StyleTap® for Windows Mobile™

StyleTap Platform Specifications
  StyleTap for Windows Mobile
Price: See Purchase page
Version: v1.1
Size: 1.3 MB
Supported OS: Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5
Windows Mobile® 6.0, 6.1, 6.5
Windows Mobile® 5.0 for Smartphone
Windows Mobile® 5.0 for Pocket PC
Windows Mobile® 2003 for Pocket PC
(including Second Edition and VGA support)
Pocket PC 2002
Pocket PC 2000

Most configurations of Windows CE (Windows Embedded Compact)
Languages: English
Components: Handheld:
  • StyleTap Platform
  • StyleTap application launcher
  • sample programs
  • StyleTap application installer
Support: Free e-mail support plus online support at
  • conduits are not supported
  • "hacks" (using the HackMaster API) not supported
  • direct manipulation of Motorola 68000 hardware registers is not supported. Therefore programs that control things like sound or serial I/O by directly accessing the hardware rather than using the software API will not work properly. However, direct screen writes ARE supported.

StyleTap Platform for Windows Mobile allows you to run many of the 30,000 mobile applications written for Palm OS on your Windows Mobile smartphone or PDA.

Download a Trial Version

Download a free 14-day trial of StyleTap Platform for Windows Mobile now, or purchase a copy.


  • Runs most applications for the Palm OS® platform on all Microsoft Windows Mobile™ handhelds and smartphones, including the enterprise-level Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 devices.
  • Supports application programs written for the Palm OS 5.2 platform or earlier versions.
  • Includes support for programs that use native ARM code (PNOs, often called "ARMlets").
  • StyleTap Platform is very fast – often running applications faster than on the native Palm OS devices.
  • Palm OS application icons show up in the Windows Mobile program screen and can be launched like native applications.
  • Users can cut and paste text and bitmaps between Palm OS applications and native Windows Mobile programs.
  • Audio recording and playback
  • Support for memory cards (applications using VFS), for very large application databases and files (e.g. medical apps, dictionaries, bibles, etc.) that won't fit in main memory.
  • On the latest smartphone devices, StyleTap Platform takes full advantage of high density VGA screens for maximum readability.
  • StyleTap for Symbian includes an "virtual double density" enhancement that significantly improves the readability of screens scaled to fit the hardware display.
  • Unique backwards compatibility features enable both older and newer programs to perform direct screen updates.
  • For devices without a touch screen and stylus, StyleTap emulates a "virtual stylus" using the 5-way navigator button.
  • Supports TCP/IP connectivity
  • Supports serial connections and Bluetooth over serial (RFCOMM) for communicating with GPS units, probes, calibration devices, etc.
  • Supports most WinCE and Windows Mobile industrial devices, including those with integrated bar code scanner devices from vendors such as Motorola (Symbol), Honeywell (Intermec), Pidion, and Psion.
  • Runs on StyleTap applications have been certified by their developer to run on the StyleTap platform.

Installing StyleTap and Applications

  • Setup program provides a Windows desktop installer that uses ActiveSync (WinXP) or Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8) to install StyleTap.
  • Macintosh and Linux users can copy the supplied ".cab" setup file onto the smartphone, and run it on the device to install the software.
  • The ".cab" setup file can also be downloaded directly onto the smartphone using a web browser.
  • Palm OS applications can be installed from Windows desktop PCs using the StyleTap Application Installer application provided by the StyleTap setup program.
  • Installation can also be done by copying the Palm OS
    (.prc and .pdb) files via:
    – a desktop connection allowing file transfers
    – a media (SD) card
    – "beaming" them from another device
    – downloading via a web browser on the device
  • Palm OS application icons show up in the Windows Mobile program screen and can be launched like native applications.

Frequently Asked Questions about StyleTap for Windows Mobile

Does StyleTap run on the Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 devices?
Will the current StyleTap run on Windows Phone 7 or Windows Phone 8 devices?
Will you be writing a version for Windows Phone 7 or Windows Phone 8 devices?