Latest StyleTap Reviews

StyleTap Platform 1.0

"During testing, I didn't notice anything wrong with the emulated apps themselves. Everything appeared to operate as it should, which is always an impressive achievement whenever emulation is involved. The games I tried even ran smoothly, which I wasn't expecting, considering their graphics-heavy content."

Jamie Lendino 2007-01-17
Review of StyleTap Running Palm OS Apps on the Treo 700w

"SWEEEEET! ... was the first word out of my mouth after I fired up the StyleTap® Platform. This thing really works!"

Gerry Imhoff 2006-02-02
Q&A: When Mobility and Open Source Collide

Dr. Dobb's talks with the Symbian Foundation's Lee Williams

There are also a number of companies that have created emulators or specific runtimes which allow more applications to cross platforms. A company called StyleTap has a Palm emulator that allows you to run thousands of Palm applications on Symbian products...

Jonathan Erickson 2009-03-28
Samsung i780 and StyleTap: The best Palm OS PDA ever?

The i780 has made StyleTap come of age and finally brought the Palm OS experience to a device that is good looking, slim and boasts enough features to live with the competition in 2008. To be fair, StyleTap has brought the Palm OS experience of age to the Windows Mobile platform and shown me that it is finally possible to have two virtual operating systems on one smartphone.

Sean McGill 2008-04-28
Running Palm programs on your PPC

StyleTap ran NoteStudio and Bonsai with their full capability, just as if they had been running on the Palm. Additionally, I could even use Calligrapher on my Pocket PC to implement macros and shortcuts. Now that is nice!

Bruce Keener 2007-06-12
Run Palm OS Applications!

...the sudden revelation that I could run Palm OS and Pocket PC applications on the same device was exciting. I had to check it out!

Nate Adcock 2007-06-03
Best of ALL Worlds

...the lack of being able to use my 8+ years of Palm programs was very disheartening. Enter: StyleTap! This has GOT to be one of the most ingenious programs ever written.

David Silver 2007-05-20
The Wait Was Worth It, StyleTap Rocks My World

Being that this is still a closed Beta, I was ready to face some problems and some issues, but everything went around smoothly...

Of course, StyleTap won’t be free when it’s finally released, but it’s worth getting since the software it allows me to run don’t even exist for S60.

Dotsisx 2008-09-29
StyleTap Taps Palm Apps into Rugged Windows Mobiles with Scanners

With StyleTap support for barcode scanners, companies don't have to worry about losing their investment in specialized software when ditching out-of-date Palm OS handhelds for something newer...

James Alan Miller 2007-09-05
Diddlebug using StyleTap on a Windows Mobile device

"Look how fast it is -- just instantly works. Absolutely fantastic."

Sammual James-McLoughlin 2008-08-25
Excellent Palm Emulator StyleTap Reviewed

"StyleTap makes it possible for you to poke around in the Palm OS (all from the comfort of your Pocket PC or Smartphone). I didn't know what I was missing, and if you've ever been curious about Palm, you might want to check this out. There are a ton of great applications out there, both old/new!"

Nate Adcock 2007-01-30
Styletap on the Treo Pro

StyleTap has breathed some fresh life into my Treo Pro since I installed it at the end of last week. The 320x320 screen is of course ideal for displaying palm applications, ... much less blocky and clearer.

Murray Alexander 2008-09-29
Logo Programming on the pocket PC

A fantastic piece of (nonfree) software called StyleTap came to my rescue. Essentially what this does is emulate the Palm OS operating system on Windows Mobile devices so now you can run all of those must have Palm programs (such as TinyLogo) on your pocket PC.

StyleTap Platform for Windows Smartphone

Unlike previous versions of StyleTap, which supported only Pocket PCs with touch screens, the new version works with newer display formats (such as the Blackjack's small, wide-aspect-ratio screen) and doesn't require a touch screen.

Customer Service... again

Within two hours I received a test copy to try along with some questions for me. The test copy worked and my feedback was greeted with a full explanation of what the issue was and their assurance of how they would fix the problem. The level of detail and the way they explained the issue was impressive...impressive product and very impressive company.

Shaun 2007-08-16
Access Palm OS now available... for Nokia!

StyleTap showed us a Symbian version of their emulator at the recent Symbian Show, apparently developed in response to customer demand, so it would seem that Palm OS is the platform that just won't die. It must have hurt Symbian that every visitor to the show was scanned with a Palm-OS-based handheld; demonstrating just how pervasive the platform remains.

Bill Ray 2007-11-14
Palm Apps on Windows Mobile

I like the idea. It’s always challenging at best to make a transition to another platform, [...] there is always at least one application that you didn’t realize was a key part of your life, until you no longer have access to the program.

John Muchow 2007-05-08
Use Palm Apps on Windows Mobile

Bottom line If you want to convert to Windows Mobile and keep your Palm Apps, it’s a great option. Use the trial version first and make sure you like it. If the apps you need works, it’s a great buy.

Nhat Pham (aka Wireless Warrior) 2007-05-07
StyleTap 1.1.003 (Shareware)

This fantastic product provides the ability to run Palm OS applications on your Pocket PC or Windows Mobile Smartphone, all with ease.

Matthew Justice 2007-07-23
Palm vs Palm on Windows?

"How awesome is that? I remember hearing about it and was pleasantly surprised when it turns out the software is out and ready for use. Here is the perfect solution to being able to move to a Windows Mobile device such as a Palm Treo 700w or 750 AND still be able to keep and use the Palm programs I have come to love."

Finally! TV Guide on my Blackjack!

"Styletap is a cool app that allows Windows Mobile devices to run Palm apps, and recently it has been appended for the smartphone. By downloading Styletap, I can run Pocket TVBrowser which is one of my favorite TV Guide applications. Not only that, but I can run a plethora of Palm apps that I previously had to abandon and were never adapted to the WM Platform"

LuluGirl896 2007-03-16
Styletap Platform for Windows Smartphones Now Available

"Styletap is most excellent. I’ve been using it for several months now with things like SplashWallet. Works FLAWLESSLY!"

A happy customer... 2007-01-19

"StyleTap promises to emulate the Palm OS on Windows Mobile Devices so you can have it all."

Run Palm Apps on Windows Mobile/Smartphone

"There is no longer a barrier to loyal Palm Folk to actually give Windows Mobile a test run."

StyleTap, run Palm OS on Windows Mobile

"I just saw Paul's post about StyleTap and I can't recommend this app enough. The creators were kind enough to give me a copy to use with my 700wx, and I am blown away by it."

Jimmy Geddes, Gadgets on the Go 2006-09-22
StyleTap & An Unprecedented Endorsement of a PalmOS Title!

"I expected that it would be a unique accomplishment, but one whose practical utility was severely limited by difficulties of execution and implentation.

Not so! StyleTap is nearly flawless!"

StyleTap brings PalmOS apps to Windows Mobile

"From the looks of it, the emulator's come a long way since its earliest incarnations, now able to run apps written for any version of Palm OS – including the ARM-based version – as well as making use of your device's WiFi, Bluetooth, IR, and USB connections."

Review: StyleTap - Run Palm OS Apps in Windows Mobile

"These days many major applications come in both Palm OS and Pocket PC/Windows Mobile versions, but there are still lots of custom or niche-oriented programs you can only get for Palm OS. If you'd like to run one of them on Windows hardware, StyleTap Platform may be a good way to do it."

Joe Moran 2007-02-28
Run Palm Apps on Pocket PCs with StyleTap

"...we think the software is a particular boon to mobile device users who have made the switch from a Palm device (such as the Treo 650) to a Pocket PC (such as Palm's own Treo 700wx). Now they won't completely lose their - often hundreds of dollars worth - software investment."

James Alan Miller 2006-11-02
Handheld Learning 2006 - Review

"In addition, Pocket PCs can easily run software written for the Palm OS using the StyleTap Platform ( ... Most Palm programs run flawlessly using the StyleTap emulator."

Tony Vincent, 2006-10-31
Windows Mobile Palm OS Emulator Software

"Do you think that your Windows Mobile Pocket PC can't run Palm OS applications? Think again."

Pocket PC Journey - 2 weeks later

Basically, thank goodness for StyleTap...

Sherry Kissinger 2007-06-01