Medical professional using PDA

StyleTap® Platform

StyleTap Platform applications now run on more hundreds of millions of smartphones and PDAs than applications for any other platform.

A StyleTap application can run (without re-compiling or changing a single line of code!) on any Windows Mobile device, Android or PalmOS device.

The StyleTap Platform family now supports the following mobile environments – click on the logo to see specific information about each one:

StyleTap Platform
for Android™

StyleTap Platform
for Windows Mobile™

Benefits of StyleTap Platform

  • Take advantage of new hardward platforms while continuing to use familiar, proven applications
  • Continue to have access to years of accumulated data
  • Continue to run unique Palm OS applications that have no equivalent on other platforms
  • Save money by not having to re-purchase new versions of favorite applications
  • Applications work in the exact same way on new platforms
  • Developers of Palm OS applications can dramatically expand their market of potential users without re-writing their application
  • Developers can preserve their loyal customers as they migrate to new platforms
  • Companies with internal Palm OS applications can avoid the time and cost of re-writing their application