
NOTE: We have received reports that StyleTap for Android does NOT install or run under Android 14. Test the trial version on your device before purchasing or upgrading.


Request Upgrade Discount

Licenses Not Transferable

Each version of StyleTap Platform – Windows Mobile and Android – is a separate product, and licenses are not transferrable between hardware platforms.(i.e. The Replacement Key process will not replace a Registration Key from one type of device with one for another platform.)

No Discount for Second Copy

There are no discounts for buying a second license for the same platform. If you are a corporate customer who needs to purchase multiple copies for your business, please see the corporate information page.

Upgrade Discount on License for Different Platform

However, if you have already purchased a license for one platform (e.g. Windows Mobile), you may be eligible for a discount on the purchase of a license for another platform (e.g. Android).


To find out if you are eligible, fill in the information below – we need to be able to find your original purchase. If you are eligible, a discount will be authorized if you purchase the new license within 48 hours.

Enter the following information to find your original purchase:

Human Verification
VerificationCAPTCHA Image
Play CAPTCHA Audio
Refresh Image
Information to find your original order
Last Name:
  AND one of the following:
  From the body of receipt email (not the order number)
Receipt Number:
      - OR -
  Use IMEI only for Symbian devices
Original Product Key or IMEI:    What is the Product Key?

Product Key is the 20-character code that appears on the About StyleTap® Platform screen after you install StyleTap Platform on your device.

Please copy all the characters carefully. You do not have to include any hyphens, and you may use upper or lowercase letters.

What is an IMEI?

IMEI is the device serial number for your smartphone (usually 15 digits in the form AAAAAAAA-BBBBBB-C) that appears on the About StyleTap® Platform screen after you install StyleTap Platform on your device.

Please copy all the digits carefully – you do not have to include any hypens.
Information about the product you plan to purchase
Email you will use to purchase new product:
New product you plan to buy:
Currency you will use:
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